Recognizing Industry Collaborations in Strengthening Student Leadership, Innovation, Employability and Career- readiness among In-school Youth


Uongozi Career Awards is a platform to Recognize, Celebrate and amplify efforts of Individuals and Institutions Championing Career Development, Employability, Leadership, and Innovation in Advancing the Career and Job Readiness the of In-school Youth. 

This auspicious occasion in its second year brings together Career, innovation, leadership and employability, Professionals, Professional bodies, and Academicians from across different sectors with the objective of celebrating the efforts and contributions of different stakeholders toward transition from learning to earning.

We held a successful award in 2022 at the university of Nairobi recognizing 69 career stakeholders. We are proud to enter the 2nd edition in 2023 with an expanded list of nominees and awardees.


We are distinguished platform that celebrates, honour and amplify efforts individuals and Organizations that promotes sustainable career development as a cornerstone in bringing up future ready professionals able to support sustainable growth of industries, communities and enterprises.


Our overarching mission is to recognize exemplary individual and institutional leadership and innovations that are geared towards advancing Career Advancement, Student Leadership, and the welfare of in-school youth who are at risk of diverse challenges that hamper young people’s successful transition from academia to industry.


The threats to stable student life on campus relenting to deviant behavior and rising cases of mental health can no longer be ignored. Education is an equalizer and indeed an invaluable investment for especially poor families, the government, and many partners. Yet such investments can go down the drain if the university life of students is ill-managed.

College and university students in East Africa are at risk of falling into the traps of fads facilitating deviant behaviours to cope with trends around them or genuinely finance their studies and survival at school.

Statistics show that drug and substance addiction, student prostitution, student pregnancies, alarming rates of new HIV infections, dropouts, and suicide cases are on the rise in the last half-decade in higher learning institutions.

Yet the burden of ensuring safety, health, stability, tranquility, and academic excellence resulting in the desired 100% transition to the industry of enrolled students is shouldered by their vulnerable colleagues elected in various student councils and associations. Closely working with the student leaders is dean of student’s offices, in-house university career offices, student agents, and human resource firms that come in hand in the stages of learning.

The role of government agencies has been confined to the placement of students (KUCCPS), financial access (HELB), industrial placement (NITA), quality assurance (CUE), and overall regulation of the sector without decisive participation in improving student welfare and aiding learners acquire the requisite skills to fit into the ever-changing job market.

Recognizing the need to strengthen student life for successful and quality dispatch of work-ready graduates, there is a pressing need to improve collaboration with stakeholders in higher education.

Thus far, Corporate Career Academy has stepped in the void to re-enforce institution-based supportive services closely knighting them with external corporate partners to optimize success. Since inception we have reached 49+ accredited institutions with 500,000+ students, successfully hosted 5 Career Days, 12 Professional Career Campus Tours, 26 Physical and 125+ Virtual Career Counselling Sessions, 85+ Experts, 125+ International Speakers, onboarded 15+ Membership Bodies, Signed 15+ MoU with Corporates facilitated and provided 600+internship placements through network with professionals among others.

At the close of 2023, we wish to single out and award the most supportive and excellent individuals, institutions, practices, innovations, and partners making a difference in the academia and industry space in Kenya through the Uongozi Career Awards.


  1. Mainstream mental health and student welfare in the higher education sector
  2. Identify and award exemplary student leaders standing in the gap for their vulnerable peers.
  3. Recognize award-supportive higher learning administrations including deans, career offices and vice chancellors/Principals, and Directors
  4. Single out and appreciate government agencies supporting student life Recognize the role of Student recruiting agencies and award top opportunity creators.
  5. Identify and recognize the role of HR Managers and firms in complementing academic institutions in preparing future industry leaders.
  6. Rethink the future of work and inculcate innovation in training graduates for the changing work environment.


The awards will endeavour to appreciate every participant, partner, and winner in the most elaborate means possible. For every category and award, the best overall will receive customized trophy, Certificate, Christmas shopping vouchers, and any other specialized donations channelled toward their recognition. Every nominee and collaborator shall receive a recognition certificate. Partners are granted the liberty to provide diverse opportunities including study grants, scholarships, internships, and jobs among others.


We foresee a myriad of benefits to partners, institutions, and individuals as follows.

Award Recipients

  1. Recognition of Leadership; Recipients of the prestigious awards have the rare privilege to be recognized and elevated to the national arena of leadership.
  2. Individual Awards: Winners shall receive customized trophies and certificates with their names engraved in them.
  3. Recommendation for Opportunities; Besides trophies, vouchers, and certificates, we are collaborating with potential partners to provide other exciting opportunities. Corporate Career Academy shall provide strong recommendations for winners for such extra opportunities.

Institutions and Partners

  1. Top Talent Acquisition: HR firms, partners, and collaborators shall be introduced and networked with the Innovative, creative, and initiative takers in the students’ work and leadership ready to take up the next challenge.
  2. Public recognition: the program will constantly highlight partners’ and institutions’ involvement and support of the initiative in public events, on the program materials, websites and media campaigns. Partners will also have opportunities to speak at the national gala and awards ceremony.
  3. Industry leadership and network: This initiative accords partners with a rare strategy to leapfrog its competitors in exploring industry leadership and visibility. Collaborators shall also have a platform to interact with other like-minded social change advocates to advance their leadership and reciprocation in alleviating youth leadership, mentorship, unemployment, poverty, and other social challenges.
  4. Seat on Advisory board: Corporate Career Academy and the program leadership will put together a high-level and diverse advisory board of thought leaders, and corporate and industry experts to improve the program, select and award exceptional pieces of art/talent/innovations/ventures and provide leadership for the initiative. Partners shall nominate representatives to be part of this board.


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These Terms and Conditions outline the principles governing the participation in the “UONGOZI Career Awards 2023 Nomination and Voting Process” (“Career Awards”). All participants in the UONGOZI Career Awards 2023 are deemed to have thoroughly read, comprehended, and consented to these provisions, in accordance with the constitutional provisions of the Republic of Kenya and the Data Protection Act.

1. Organization, Duration, and Participation Mechanism

  1. The UONGOZI Career Awards 2023 (“Career Awards”) are organized by Corporate Career Academy, a limited liability company focused on leadership and career development, duly registered and located in Nairobi, Kenya. The execution of the Career Awards is also facilitated by various contracted service providers (collectively referred to as the “Organizers”).
  2. Participants wishing to engage in the UONGOZI Career Awards 2023 are required to:
  3. Respond to the call for nominations on the official website maintained by the Organizers, accessible at https://corporatecareeracademy.com/awards/  or https://employabilitysummitea.org/awards/ (“Official Websites”).
  4. Submit a nomination application for consideration in a particular category. Multiple entries from same Organization, Company or individual are allowed but each entry must be submitted independently. It should be noted that submitting an application does not guarantee eventual nomination.
  5. During the Voting Phase, as announced by the Organizers, members of the public and nominees can actively participate by casting votes on the Official Website.
  6. The applicable charges for Application Submission for Nomination and the Voting Phase are as specified below, with detailed information presented in communication materials and on the Official Website:
Participating CountryCost of Application Submission for NominationCost of Voting  
East AfricaFree for studentsKsh 1,000 for non-students and InstitutionsKsh. 20.00 per Vote excluding Costs
  • No other charges beyond those specified are applicable for participation in the UONGOZI Career Awards 2023.
  • The Career Awards will be conducted within specific dates, which will be communicated through the Official Website.
  • The participation mechanism entails:
  • Initial submission of institutions and individuals promoting employability and job readiness within each category and age group across all participants.
  • The Nominee Selection Panel, established by the Organizers, will shortlist the top applicants within each category.
  • The list of nominees will be revealed for public voting, where public votes contribute 60% to the overall award recipients in each category.
  • An Adjudication Panel composed of recognized professionals and organizers will contribute 40% to the voting process, considering factors such as career development contributions, initiatives, impact, and testimonials.
  • After determining category award recipients, these individuals will enter a second voting phase, with public votes accounting for 60% and the Adjudication Panel accounting for 40% in award recipient determination.

2. Eligibility for Participation

  1. Nominees for the Career Awards must be organizations and individuals serving in their current capacity for at least 6 months.
  2. Nominee(s) must be registered and operating institutions within East Africa.
  3. Individuals must be aged 18 years or above.
  4. The UONGOZI Career Awards 2023 are open to the public, contingent upon internet accessibility via compatible devices.
  5. Employees and relatives of the Organizers, Nominee Selection Panel, Adjudication Panel, and sponsors of the UONGOZI Career Awards 2023 are ineligible for nomination but are permitted to vote for preferred nominees.
  6. There are no limitations on the number of times a participant can engage in the UONGOZI Career Awards 2023.

3. Use of Personal Data

The Organizers retain the right to store personal information provided by Participants exclusively for private contact, marketing, or research purposes. The privacy of Participants’ information will be maintained, except when disclosure is mandated by competent authority, strictly adhering to relevant legal provisions.

4. General Rules of the UONGOZI Career Awards 2023

  1. Only Kenyan citizens or foreigners working within Kenya, aged 18 and above, will be considered as nominees by the Nominee Selection Panel.
    1. Institutions or individuals may nominate themselves or others during the submission phase, which concludes prior to the Voting Phase.
    1. Organizations and individuals engaging in unethical conduct or activities detrimental to the reputation of the Organizers and the UONGOZI Career Awards 2023 will face automatic disqualification from further participation or revocation of awards if misconduct is established.
    1. Participation entails the submission of names and credentials once, without influence on progression to subsequent rounds.
    1. Submissions or votes outside the stipulated time frames will be disregarded.
    1. The Nominee Selection Panel’s decisions regarding the final list of nominees are conclusive.
    1. The Voting Phase starts after the Nominee Selection Panel finalizes the nominee list in each category.
    1. Unauthorized access or tampering with the UONGOZI Career Awards 2023 platforms will result in criminal investigation and legal action, alongside disqualification of involved participants or nominees.
    1. The Organizers are not liable for information and materials submitted for nominees. Nominees must resolve intellectual property disputes independently, and unresolved disputes may lead to disqualification.
    1. The Organizers retain the right to modify the UONGOZI Career Awards 2023 format and schedule.
    1. The Organizers are not liable for inaccuracies in information or materials relating to the UONGOZI Career Awards 2023 or for losses arising from external factors or technical malfunctions.

5. Contact Information

For inquiries about the UONGOZI Career Awards 2023, participants, the public, and interested parties can contact awards@corporatecareeracademy.com.

6. Agreement and Governing Law

Upon entry, all participants agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. The Organizers’ interpretation of these conditions is definitive in case of disputes. The Organizers reserve the right to amend these rules during the UONGOZI Career Awards 2023. These Terms and Conditions are subject to Kenyan law, and participants submit to the jurisdiction of Kenyan courts.

7. Severability

If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is deemed void or unenforceable by a competent authority, the remaining provisions shall remain valid.

8. Intellectual Property and Third-Party Claims

The Organizers shall not be held liable for, nor assume responsibility to any third party, for any information and materials submitted for and/or on behalf of nominees. In the event that a third party is established to own, possess a license, or otherwise hold actionable rights to intellectual property, including but not limited to copyright, trademarks, patents, industrial designs, associated with a nominee, the respective nominee shall be obligated to directly engage and resolve the matter with the concerned third party.

During the pendency of any such dispute, the nomination of the implicated nominee shall be suspended until final determination. If, at least one (1) week prior to the conclusion of the Voting Phase, any dispute pertaining to intellectual property ownership or proprietary materials remains unresolved, the said nominee shall be disqualified from the UONGOZI Career Awards 2023.

Nominees undertake to declare their ownership or right to use all materials and intellectual property contained in their submissions to the Organizers. Further, nominees commit to indemnify and hold the Organizers harmless against any losses, costs, and expenses arising from third-party claims. This includes losses arising from inevitable delays in executing the UONGOZI Career Awards 2023 in alignment with the prescribed timetable, such as injunctions, court actions, and advocates’ costs.

9. Accuracy and Limitation of Liability

While the Organizers have diligently employed reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy of all information and materials associated with the UONGOZI Career Awards 2023, they shall not be held accountable for any inaccuracies or errors present in said information and/or materials. Furthermore, the Organizers, their agents, and sub-contractors shall not assume responsibility for any loss or damage sustained by a Participant, regardless of whether such loss or damage is self-inflicted or attributed to a third party. This includes:

  • Situations beyond the control of the Organizers, their agents, and sub-contractors, encompassing but not confined to force majeure occurrences like acts of God, computer viruses, power outages, and the like.
  • Technical malfunctions, failures, or other issues affecting machines, telephone networks, systems, internet services, service provider software, or any other factor that might result in the loss, improper reception, registration, or recording of communications.

The Organizers shall not be held liable for any consequences arising from these events beyond their control and shall not bear responsibility for associated losses or damages incurred by Participants.


Participants are advised not to send cash, airtime credit, or any consideration to parties other than the designated voting charges indicated on our platforms. The Organizers are not liable for any losses resulting from non-compliance with this notification.


The UONGOZI Career Awards 2023 embodies a significant annual initiative closely aligned with the principles of Sustainable Development Goals 4 and 8. This recognition ceremony is exclusively dedicated to acknowledging stakeholders and institutions fervently advocating for the progression of career development, leadership, and employability among in-school youth in East Africa. With its commencement in 2022, this endeavor aims to recognize, amplify, and propel the commendable efforts of individuals and institutions who play a substantive role in initiatives associated with career and leadership enhancement.

At its core, this initiative resonates with the objectives encapsulated within the Sustainable Development Goals framework. Simultaneously, it complements the comprehensive endeavours undertaken by both governmental and non-governmental entities, collaboratively fostering enhanced employability and facilitating a seamless transition from education to productive employment.

Earning acknowledgment as a recipient of the UONGOZI CAREER AWARDS 2023 not only enhances your stature within the East African context but also firmly positions you as a genuine contributor to sustainable career development and the pivotal progress of young individuals. Your recognition serves as a catalytic force, inspiring and motivating other aspiring individuals to actively engage in the advocacy of career advancement, augmentation of employability, and the cultivation of initiatives promoting job readiness. Should you hold the aspiration to partake in the UONGOZI Career Awards 2023, we cordially invite you to conscientiously provide your particulars using the provided form. Your active involvement holds the potential to generate substantial positive impact.


  1. Student Career Ambassador of the Year (Grand Prize):
    1. This award recognizes a student serving as a career ambassador in a higher learning institution who has not only shown exceptional dedication to promoting career development in their institution but has also actively inspired and assisted their peers in navigating the path from education to employment. They should be an effective communicator and leader, capable of organizing events, workshops, and career fairs, all while fostering a culture of employability and innovation.
  2. Student Mental Health Champion of the Year:
    1. This award acknowledges a student who has taken a proactive role in promoting mental health awareness and support within the academic community. They should possess empathy, effective communication skills, and the ability to create and lead initiatives that contribute to mental wellness while also supporting career development and employability.
  3. Director Academics of the Year:
    1. This award recognizes an elected student leaders serving as Academic Secretary or Director academics who has demonstrated a commitment to academic excellence and innovation. They should be able to seamlessly integrate practical skills development, Collaborations, Industry linkages, leadership training, and employability-focused enhancements into the curriculum, contributing to the holistic growth of students.
  4. President/Chairperson of the Year:
    1. This award seeks to identify honour a visionary and dynamic elected student president or chairperson who has successfully implemented strategies to enhance career development, employability, entrepreneurship, and innovation within their institution. They should possess strong organizational and leadership skills, actively engage in organizing events, allocating budget, Industry linkages and conferences, and have a measurable impact on the student body.
  • Vice President/vice Chairperson of the Year:
    • This award recognizes an elected student leader serving Vice President or Vice Chairperson in a higher learning institution who effectively allocates resources, initiates projects, and collaborates with peers to promote career development, employability, and entrepreneurial activities. They should possess excellent communication skills and a proactive approach to fostering growth among their fellow students.
  • Female Student Leader of the Year:
    • This award acknowledges an elected female student who has emerged as a role model for her peers. She should demonstrate excellence in creating a supportive environment for career development, employability, leadership training, and innovation within the student community, inspiring positive change among her fellow female students.
  • Male Student Leader of the Year:
    • This award acknowledges an elected male student who has demonstrated exceptional leadership and a strong commitment to promoting career development, employability, and innovation on campus. He should actively engage in organizing events, mentorship programs, and initiatives that benefit the student body.
  • Secretary General of the Year:
    • This award seeks to recognize elected student Secretary General efficient and organized leader who manages the administrative aspects of the student body while actively contributing to career development, employability initiatives, and innovation. They should possess strong organizational and communication skills.
  • Director Student Welfare /Secretary of student welfare of the Year:
    • This award recognizes an elected student leader representing students’ welfare who excels in addressing the holistic well-being of students while actively promoting career development, employability, and innovation. They should be empathetic, approachable, and able to connect students with resources that enhance their overall welfare.
  • Secretary Entertainment/Sports of the Year:
    • This award seeks to recognize a dynamic elected student leader who successfully integrates entertainment and sports with career development, employability, and innovation. They should be capable of organizing engaging events, sports activities, and fostering collaborations with industry partners that link students with industry for holistic development.
  • Organizing Secretary of the Year:
    • This award seeks to recognize an elected student leaders serving as Organizing secretary for students Union who is efficient and detail-oriented organizer who executes events, career expositions, and activities that contribute to career and employability goals. They should have excellent planning and coordination skills, ensuring the success of campus events.
  • Student Council/Association of the Year:
    • This award seeks to recognize a student council or association that actively promotes career development, employability, entrepreneurship, innovation, and mental wellness. They should be deeply involved in organizing career fairs, industry collaborations, and initiatives that benefit the student body. The organization must have demonstrated allocation of resources towards students ‘s career readiness initiatives.
  • Most Preferred Higher Learning Institution of the Year:
    • This award seeks to recognize an institution higher learning dedicated to holistic student development. It actively engages in leadership training, innovation, career fairs, and industry partnerships to prepare students for successful careers.
  • Most Preferred Internship Company of the Year:
    • This award seeks to recognize a company offering outstanding internship opportunities and actively contributing to the practical development of students. They should engage in on-campus training, career fairs, and provide valuable learning experiences.
  • Most Supportive Administration:
    • This award seeks to recognize the educational institution with an administration that proactively allocates resources for on-campus training, work-study programs, and collaborates with industry partners to enhance student employability.
  • Professional Certification Body:
    • This award seeks to recognize a Professional certification body that actively promotes certifications, memberships, and practical skills development, significantly boosting the employability of Students. The institution integrates students in their programs and promotes mentorship and awareness of professional certifications.
  • Professional Membership Body of the Year:
    • This award seeks to recognize a membership body that fosters professional development, innovation, and leadership training among students, enhancing their overall career readiness through promoting student membership and supporting employability initiatives, activities and events
  • Government Agency of the Year:
    • This award seeks to recognize a government agency that actively supports education, career development, and employability initiatives, playing a crucial role in organizing conferences, career expos, and facilitating best experience internships.
  • HR Firm/Recruitment Agency of the Year:
    • This award seeks to recognize agency/HR Firm committed to connecting students with job opportunities and internships. They should demonstrate engaging in on-campus training, career fairs, and collaborate with educational institutions to enhance student employability.
  • Alumni Association of the Year:
    • This award seeks to recognize alumni association that actively engages with students, providing mentorship and collaborating with the institution for leadership training, mentorship, on-campus training, Job opportunities, internships and industry linkages.
  • Study Abroad Partner of the Year:
    • This award seeks to recognize organization facilitating exceptional study abroad opportunities, enriching students’ global perspectives, and actively promoting career development, leadership training, and mental wellness.
  • Employer of the Year:
    • This award seeks to recognize a company recognized for its commitment to hiring, developing, and advancing the careers of young talent. They should actively engage in on-campus training and support career fairs in learning institution, conducting management trainee programs, Internships, and providing valuable opportunities to students and graduates.
  • Education Foundation of the Year:
    • This award seeks to recognize a foundation making significant contributions to education, skills training, mentorship. They should actively support career development, employability initiatives, leadership training, innovation, and collaborations that benefit students.
  • TVET Institution of the Year:
    • This award seeks to recognize a technical and vocational education and training institution that excels in preparing students for careers. They should integrate practical skills development and actively engage in industry partnerships.
  • National Polytechnic of the Year:
    • This award seeks to recognize a National polytechnic institution demonstrating excellence in career development, employability, and industry-oriented education. The institution has demonstrated strong industry linkages enabling students to gain practical skills and easily transition to earning.
  • Dean of Students of the Year:
    • This award seeks to recognize individual serving in the capacity of Dean of students in a higher learning institution , actively promoting career development, employability, leadership training, and innovation among students. The dean has demonstrated clear structures that support holistic development of students.
  • Director of Career Services of the Year:
    • This award seeks to recognize an employee in charge of the office of career services in a higher learning institution, actively engaging in on-campus training, career fairs, training student career ambassadors, developing lecturer’s mentorship capability and developing collaborations with industry partners for internships. The office must initiatives that support  career development and linking students with industry
  • Student Counsellor of the Year:
    • This award seeks to recognize a student counsellor excelling in supporting students’ career development, employability, and mental wellness. They should actively participate in leadership training and innovation initiatives.
  • HR Manager of the Year:
    • This award seeks to recognize HR manager actively contributing to students’ career development, employability, and industry linkages. They should engage in on-campus training, mentorship, creating Job-shadow programs, work-study programs, facilitating students’ transition to the professional world.
  • Alumni of the Year:
    • This award seeks to recognize exemplary graduate who has made significant contributions to the alma mater. They should actively support career development, employability initiatives, and mentorship programs.
  • Vice-Chancellor of the Year:
    • This award seeks to recognize a visionary leader at the helm of the university, fostering an environment that prioritizes career development, employability, innovation, and collaborative efforts with industries.
  • Career Mentor of the Year
    • This award seeks to professional who has shown exceptional commitment to mentoring, guiding students with practical, industry-oriented advice, and actively engaging in leadership training to prepare the youth for the future
  • Lecturer of the Year – Most Innovative and Industry-oriented Lecturer:
    • This award seeks to recognize outstanding lecturer who integrates innovation, industry-oriented approaches, and practical skills into their teaching. They actively contribute to students’ employability through their teaching methods.
  • Deputy Vice-Chancellor – Academy of the Year:
    • This award seeks to recognize a deputy vice-chancellor actively fostering academic excellence, innovation, and industry partnerships, contributing significantly to career development and employability.
  • Career Social Media Influencer of the Year:
    • This award seeks to recognize individual effectively using social media to promote career development, employability, and innovation among students. They actively participate in conferences and career expositions, leveraging their online presence to provide career guidance, materials and sharing industry updates and job opportunities for the benefit of students.
  • Education Philanthropist of the Year:
    • This award seeks to recognize individual making significant contributions to education. They actively Education sponsorships, support career development, employability initiatives, and engage in supporting leadership training, innovation, entrepreneurship and collaborations with learning institutions for the betterment of students.
  • Industry Icon of the Year:
    • This award seeks to recognize an individual who has achieved iconic status in their industry. They actively contribute to career development, employability, and serve as an inspiration to students aspiring to excel in their chosen fields.
  • CEO of the Year:
    • This award seeks to recognize a Chief Executive Officer demonstrating outstanding leadership. They actively contribute to career development, employability initiatives, and foster collaborations between education and industry. The CEO demonstrates their willingness by supporting initiatives geared toward supporting internships, management trainee and development of talent.
  • Student Entrepreneur of the Year:
    • This award seeks to recognize a student excelling in entrepreneurship, actively contributing to innovation, and demonstrating a real-world impact on employability and career development.
  • Student Innovation of the Year:
    • This award seeks to recognize a student project or innovation demonstrating exceptional creativity, applicability, and contributing to advancements in employability and career development.
  • Emeritus/Former Student Leader of the Year:
    • This award seeks to recognize a former elected student leader who continues to contribute to the community, Former university, leveraging their leadership experiences for career development, employability, and mentorship.
  • Student Governor of the Year:
    • This award seeks to recognize an elected student leader serving as Campus, or college representative who has demonstrated exemplary leadership. They actively contribute to the development of career-oriented initiatives, employability, and industry partnerships within the campus or college.